
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Make your own Vanilla Extract

When I first learned how easy it is to make your own vanilla extract, I was so excited. It’s much cheaper than buying it in the store!

Here’s what you’ll need:
  • Vodka (any type will do – I used Skyy)
  • 1 vanilla bean per 1/3 cup vodka
  • Lidded glass bottles
First, grab your favorite type of vanilla beans. These are Tahitian beans.

Split each vanilla bean lengthwise with a knife or with scissors.

Drop the vanilla beans into the bottles. Mine held about one cup of liquid each, so I put in 3 vanilla beans per bottle. Fill up the bottles with the vodka. And, that’s it! Store the bottles in a cool, dark place for 2-3 months before using, making sure to give them a shake every once in a while. 

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