
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Vinegar as dishwasher rinse agent

Instead of paying a lot of money for that expensive Jet Dry Rinse Agent at the store, you can use distilled white vinegar as a substitute.

The purpose of the dishwasher dispenser is to release a tiny amount of rinse product each time the dishwasher is used, primarily to eliminate water spots on glasses. As I use the vinegar,  my dishes still come out very clean and spot free too.
Just open up the rinse aid cap and pour your vinegar into that reservoir. I just pour until it says it is full.  When it runs out I just add more vinegar.
Those teeny tiny Jet-Dry Rinse agents can cost anywhere from $4-$6, and you get enough to fill up the dishwasher once with it.  A whole gallon of vinegar is close to $1-$2 or less, and you can get probably close to 20 or more fills out of it. So Today’s Thrifty Tip is to use Vinegar as a Rinse agent – it can save you a lot of money!

Other Tips:

If you forget about a load of laundry in your washer (ew stinky!), don’t rewash the load. Put a cup of vinegar in and re-run the load through the rinse cycle. It will take out the mildew-y smell and save money since you didn’t have to rewash. Just use white vinegar though, any other will stain.
It’s also a natural fabric softener. Use 1 Cup per load instead of liquid softener.
Put 1/4 cup baking soda down your garbage disposal or drain. Add 1 cup white vinegar. It will clean a stinky drain or disposal.
Mop floors with it to repel fleas (it might work with ants too).

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