
Friday, August 14, 2015

Cinnamon Scrub


Cinnamon, known for its distinct aroma, is a spice that is not only useful for cooking but also remarkable for health benefits.

Here are some of the benefits of cinnamon on our health:
  • Increases the blood flow
  • Has anti-microbial property
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Increases collagen production
  • It’s a great anti-oxidant.

Researchers have found that, cinnamon increases the production of collagen on skin. You will not get miraculous result overnight, but regular intake of cinnamon specially topical usage  (using directly on the skin) shows improvement in skin quality.

Many well known companies are making & marketing cinnamon scrubs and facial creams. The main ingredient of these products is lying on your kitchen counters, Cinnamon.

Knowing all the good properties of Cinnamon, I got curious. What if I could use this in my skin care ritual?and voila! I discovered something amazing, Cinnamon Scrub.

I like Cinnamon scrub as a weekly home-made organic scrub. Many people use Sugar for scrubbing their face. But I have always found it too harsh. After all, I am using it on my face, not on my floor! I need my scrubs to be suited for my skin.


  • Gets rid of flaky skin.
  • Gets rid of blackhead/whiteheads.
  • It can be used as a lip-exfoliator!
  • Gets rid of acne.
  • It can also be used as a body scrub for glowing and smoother skin.

What you will need

  • Oatmeal (or Flour if you don’t have oatmeal)
  • Cinnamon powder.
    (If you don’t have powdered cinnamon, then just take some cinnamon sticks and grind into fine powder with your blender or food processor.)
  • Warm water


1. Take 1 teaspoon of oatmeal or flour. I am using flour.

2. Take 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. For the first timers, use half teaspoon of Cinnamon.

3. Mix these 2 ingredients with warm water. Mix well.

4. You don’t want the mixture to be runny. It should be thick so that when you apply it to your face it does not drip. (If it has become runny, then add more flour, but not cinnamon. )

5. Apply this scrub gently with your fingertips in a circular motion. Scrub from inside to the outside of your face & neck.

6. Scrub for 30 sec to 1 minute and then wash with cold water.

7. If you are using this scrub for your body, then mix some body wash into the scrub. If you are using a soap bar, then just use the soap 1st, then take the scrub mixture and massage it on your body.


  • Cinnamon causes a tingling sensation when applied on the skin. So when you are using this scrub for 1sttime, take a small amount of the mixture in your fingertips, dilute it with water and gently apply on the face. When you get accustomed with the sensation, take more mixture and scrub as usual.

  • If the tingling sensation is bothering you too much, don’t panic! Just wash your face with clean water and the tingling will be gone.

  • If you use too much cinnamon in the scrub mixture, it will cause more tingling. The very first time I used it, it felt like my skin is burning. That’s because I didn’t measure the cinnamon and kind of “poured” it onto the bowl. So that’s why it is important to measure the ingredients while making the scrub. Take 1/4 tsp if your skin is sensitive.

  • Avoid using near the eye area and on any active acne area.

  • The skin will look a little red after using this. That’s because cinnamon increases the blood flow, and the scrubbing+massaging skin will also increase blood flow. This will minimize after 10-15 minutes. If it’s too red or pink, just splash cold water.

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