
Thursday, May 23, 2013


» Why It Works: This gentle, quick facial uses baking soda’s acid-neutralizing alkalinity and milk’s lactic acid to clear out pores and lightly exfoliate.
» You’ve Been Warned: After years of store-bought lotions and potions, this seemed almost too simple to work — but it did.
» You’ll Need:
- 1 tbsp baking soda
- 1/4 cup milk
» What to Do: Mix all the ingredients together. Rub into blackhead-prone areas using a soft makeup sponge. Rinse and repeat if needed.

 Mix ingredients in a food processor or blender when possible to remove large clumps.TIPS:
1) Body scrubs can get messy in the tub or shower. Place a plastic bag at the drain to catch what falls and avoid clogs.
3) Use fresh, organic produce to ensure potions are pesticide-and preservative-free.
4) For a foot scrub, hop up on the kitchen counter and apply it in the sink. Any gunky debris will end up in the garbage disposal, making cleanup much easier.

1 comment:

  1. wow thanks for the idea! I will definitely try this.
    :) Liz @
