
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Health Benefits of Broccoli Sprouts

Broccoli sprouts are a great addition to any salad or sandwich. They can also serve has a healthy side dish. Broccoli sprouts have been shown to combat a variety of health issues including:
  • Hypertension
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Allergies
  • Ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori
  • UV radiation damage to skin (when applied topically)
In addition to all these health benefits, broccoli sprout has been shown to combat exposure to environmental pollutants.
A three-month long study was conducted with 300 Chinese men and women in one of the most polluted areas in China. The test group drank half a cup of a beverage consisting of sterilized water, pineapple, lime juice and freeze-dried broccoli sprout powder. The control group drank the same mixture…minus the broccoli sprouts.
Urine and blood tests revealed that the test group that consumed the broccoli sprout excreted far greater levels of carcinogens than those who did not consume the broccoli sprout.

Broccoli or broccoli sprouts?

If you don't like broccoli, there’s good news. Broccoli sprouts are easily superior to mature broccoli in terms of nutrient density, which means you don't have to eat as much of it to reap many of its health benefits.
Broccoli sprouts have 10 to 100 times the amount of a cancer-fighting compound called glucoraphanin than mature broccoli. It’s a great alternative if you don't like the smell or taste of broccoli!
You've probably seen broccoli sprouts as an ingredient option to your sandwich/wrap, but never really knew what it was. Now you do, so take advantage of it’s health benefits! Broccoli sprout is also pretty easy to grow at home!

Here is a great recipe for a Broccoli Sprout Smoothie! 

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