
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Home Remedies For Toothache

Toothache is one of the most severe pains that our body can experience. In some people toothache remains constant while in some, it comes and goes as pressure & extreme of heat has been applied to teeth.

Remedies for Toothache Relief 

Salt Water 

This is one of the most common home remedies till the date that really helps people to get rid of toothache by working as antibacterial agent. Take a glassful of warm water and add two to three tablespoons of salt. Stir well and rinse your teeth with this salt water (as you do with mouthwash), don't swallow it. Repeat the procedure for three to four times within span of few hours.
Sometime toothache is direct result of decayed root canal which exposes nerves to environment. These nerves are sensitive to the heat as well as cold. Then it becomes difficult to treat this toothache with salt water. As you rinse the mouth with warm water pain may become worse than before. In such cases you can directly apply salt to the painful teeth and allow that salt to sit there for next few minutes, and then wash it out with plain water.
While you rinse teeth with salt water try to avoid drinking it mistakenly. Salt water can make you throw up easily.

Baking Soda & Water 

Baking soda can be found in every kitchen and makes a perfect fit in our home remedies list. Baking soda reduces acidic environments in tooth cavity which results into relieving your pain for short time.
Take 2 – 3 spoon of baking soda in glassful water, stir well and swish your painful teeth with it. Then hold the solution in mouth for few seconds then spit it put. Repeat the procedure for few times.
This will relieve your suffering for short period but pain will come back after half an hour.

Clove & Clove Oil

Nothing beats the anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anaesthetic properties of clove.  Take two cloves and grind it well and add few drops of olive oil then apply it to the painful teeth.
Applying clove oil to the area of pain is old practise and it does help some time. Clove oil is known to have mild analgesic properties which help to reduce pain. Take a small cotton ball and add two to three drops of clove oil on it, then gently apply it over the teeth which causing the pain. Keep that clove oil soaked cotton ball on teeth for half hour. If required repeat the procedure and few minutes. Clove oil is also useful for bad breath and can prevent feature cavities in teeth.


Another household item that have beneficial effects when it come to toothache. Garlic has some antibiotic properties that are helpful to kill germs.
Take a fresh Garlic clove and cut it in the two or three small pieces then take one piece in mouth and chew it with the opposite side of paining teeth. Do not chew it with the tooth that is causing you pain; doing this may worsen the pain. Once you chew the piece of garlic into small paste, take that paste to the hurting tooth with the help of tongue and coat the gum as well as decayed teeth with garlic paste. Garlic definitely going to burn your mouth a bit but the relief from toothache worth it. Keep the coating for few minutes then remove it and you can repeat the whole process again after half an hour.
If using plain garlic paste does not help you to relieve pain then try adding a pinch of salt to garlic paste.

Vanilla Extract 

Vanilla extract also works best when it comes to relieving tooth pain. Just soak a cotton ball in vanilla extract and keep it around the painful teeth and gum. If you don't have vanilla extract in home then you can try using lime or peppermint extract.

Tea Bag Toothache Remedy 

Many time toothache caused by an infection. In such case tea bags can be helpful to relieve your pain. Tannin’s in the tea bag do have some antibacterial properties.
Take a tea bag in a cup and add some hot water just to make tea bag wet enough. Wait for few seconds so bag get completely wet then squeeze out excessive water so the tea bag won’t look sloppy. Once tea bag cools down; hold it on painful teeth for few minutes. Bite a little bit and remove after couple of minutes. Pain will subside slowly, if require repeat the procedure.


Make slices of cucumber and place it around the painful teeth.  Wait for few minutes and remove it. Repeat if necessary. Do not use too cold cucumber which has been refrigerated; many times tooth are sensitive to cold.

Sesame Seeds 

Sesame seed is another good home remedy for toothache. Take two teaspoon of sesame seeds in a cup of water and boil it till the water becomes half of the original quantity (1/2 cup), then apply this mixture to the painful tooth.

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