
Friday, August 14, 2015


Almost everyone wants to have a whiter smile. Usually, one of the first things people notice about you is your smile. It indicates health, beauty, and vigour. The teeth whitening craze has started over a decade ago. It happened when strips and teeth whitening products were introduced in the market.
There are several factors that play a part in having yellow teeth. One of them is genetics. Also, what kind of food and drink you consume may affect the colour of your teeth. Like drinking tea, coffee, or smoking cigarettes. Not to mention how well you practice oral hygiene.
There are many homemade teeth whitening remedies that will help you get that beautiful bright smile you wanted. The plus side is that you don't need to buy teeth whitening products that cost a lot of money and are filled with ingredients that you don’t know.
This teeth whitening method is so easy and really effective with minimal cost. Plus, it is all natural.

What you need:

1 strawberry
1 tablespoon baking soda


Mash the strawberry and mix it the baking soda
Brush you teeth with the mixture & leave it on for 5 min
Rinse it & brush with your normal toothpaste
Repeat no more than 2-3 times a week for best result.

How it Helps With Teeth Whitening:

Strawberries has an enzyme called malice acid. It acts as a natural astringent to remove surface tooth discolouration which whiten teeth. They are also high in Vitamin C, which can help break-down plaque that is causing your teeth to look yellow.
Baking soda is a mild abrasive that works to scrub off plaque and surface stains. This will help return teeth to a whiter shade. It also helps dislodge plaque built up on the teeth.


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