Sunday, September 13, 2015

Home Remedies for Sinus Infections

Click the picture above for more information.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


It’s old news that prescription antibiotics aren’t working as well these days due to their overuse causing bacteria to become resistant to them.
Alexander Fleming, the man who accidentally discovered Penicillin, noted how bacteria would adapt to the antibiotic and change itself around in order to prevent being killed by it. He warned in numerous lectures during the 30’s that overuse of antibiotics would cause problems. Over the past 15 years… we’re starting to see he was right.

So what are you to do to prevent overusing antibiotics?

The answer isn’t to ban antibiotics at all costs. There may come a time when you really need them. I am personally very grateful that we have drugs as “options” if we need them, but they are not my first choice when it comes to treating or dealing with illnesses.
The answer is to search for alternatives and then learn all you can about how to use them. Today, I’m going to show you how to do just that.

First, Do Your Research

The first thing I want to say before I tell you how to research antibacterial herbs is that you can do this. It’s not difficult, and you’re not putting you or your family's health at risk is you study up and know what you’re doing. If fact, you’re benefiting their health and gaining confidence in yourself at the same time.
Okay, so the first thing you need to do to make your own antibiotics at home is to know which herbs to use.
How do you do that? You need to research!
Earlier I told you about the 4 simple steps I use to research herbs. Follow those steps and figure out which herbs are the best and safest ones to use for your illness.
One important thing to consider here, and this is something I always keep in mind when I’m making my list of herbs to buy. You need to pay special attention to how each herb works. Is it a systemic herb? That means it gets into your bloodstream and works all over your body. Or is it a localized herb? That would mean it only works in one area. That’s important because it will determine which herbs you need to buy.
For example… if your kiddo has an ear infection… you don’t really need to give them an Echinacea tincture because it works systemically, and they don’t need healing all over your body. What they need is Garlic/Mullein oil in their ears since it works locally.

Second, Build Your Medicine Cabinet

Once you know what you’re looking for, and you have your herbs on hand, it’s time to stock up your medicine cabinet. You can either store your herbs to use when you need them or you can go ahead and make what you need. If you’re planning on making a tincture for internal use, you’re going to need to prepare this ahead of time since it takes at least 2 weeks to make it… longer if you’re using hard herbs like bark and roots or berries.
Be sure to check out the Using Herbs page to get step-by-step directions on how to make what you need.

Third, Put Your Herbal Medicines To Good Use

Now here comes the action step. This is where the rubber meets the road. When you come to the conclusion that you need to take something for whatever you’ve got going on… do it quickly. Infections spread, and you don’t want to let it get away from you. Then you will have to go to the doctor for a dose of prescription antibiotics.
If you notice that you have symptoms of an infection (external: redness, pain, swelling, heat, drainage – internal: fever, overly tired) get started ASAP. If you know where it’s coming from then focus on that area. If you don’t, then you may want to opt for the systemic herbs which in most cases would be in a tincture.
So I hope you’ve learned a lot from this post. Trust me… the more you do this, the more comfortable and confident you’ll feel. 


If you have wanted to incorporate herbs into your lifestyle, but constantly feel overwhelmed by the mixed information or the amount of herbs that are used for one particular issue, stress no more.
Today I’m going to tell you how I research any of the herbs I use so that you can learn to do the same!

4 Steps To Researching Herbs

  1. I look up whatever is ailing me in a book, and I find out what herbs or supplements are known to help with that condition. I write them down on a piece of paper. Then I move on to another book and write those herbs down. I go through 3-4 books, and sometimes I’ll even search Google to see what suggestions others have.
  2. Next I look at all the suggested herbs on my list, and I note which herbs were mentioned over and over in all the different resources I looked at. That must mean that all these herbalists agree that these particular herbs are the go-to herbs for whatever I’m researching. So now I make a new list with all of the most commonly recommended herbs.
  3. At this point I’ll look each of the herbs on my new list up individually. I’m looking to see how they work in the body, any herbs that they may need to be combined with to work better, any warnings or cautions that may accompany them, how to prepare them, how much to take, how long to take them, etc.
  4. Finally, I narrow my choices down to the best herbs for my situation. I then browse through my typical online herb shops to find out prices and shipping times and then place my order. If I don’t have time to order them online, I’ll make a special trip to a nearby health food store and pick what I need up there.
That’s it. It’s so simple. I can do it, and you can do it too!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Tea Tree Oil for Hair and Scalp

Tea tree oil is an essential oil that has been obtained by steam distillation of the leaves of the melaleuca alternifolia, a plant native to Australia. Treating scalp problems is one among the multitude of first aid and household uses of tea oil. Here you came to know about tea tree oil properties that help to keep your scalp healthy and how to apply it on the scalp to prevent many scalp problems.

Is Tea Tree Oil Good for Scalp?

The best remedy to relieve from all scalp problems is tea tree oil. It has the following properties that keep all the scalp problems at bay.
  • Tea tree oil acts as anti-fungal that kills the bacteria causing the over production of the skin cells which creates white flakes called dandruff.
  • Tea tree oil contains terpinen-4-ol that has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that helps to treat scalp problems. When applied on scalp, it penetrates the hair follicles, unclogs them and kills microorganisms that trigger dandruff, itchy scalp and irritation.
  • It has powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to treat itchy scalp effectively.
  • It effectively moisturizes the hair and scalp. So it is one of the best solutions for dry and itchy scalp. It helps to get rid of the dead skin cells and dirt on the scalp thereby creating a favorable environment for healthy hair growth and scalp.
  • It is a natural germicide and antiseptic that kills all the germs which causes the scalp and hair problems.
  • It unclogs sebum blocking the hair follicles and then clearing up bacterial and fungal infections.
  • It also removes the excess oil and other dirt particles to make your hair shiny and healthy. 

Tea Tree Oil for Scalp Treatment:

Simply, try all these methods of tea tree oil to get rid of the scalp problems.

Method – 1: (Tea Tree Oil with Carrier Oil)

  1. Take a small application bottle and fill it with 3/4 full of any carrier oil like jojoba oil, olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, etc.
  2. Add 10 -15 drops of tea tree oil in it and mix it well
  3. Apply this to your scalp and hair
  4. Massage it gently for few minutes to make oil saturated all over the scalp
  5. Leave it for few hours or overnight (for better results)
  6. You will feel some tingling effect on your scalp but don’t worry about it
  7. Wash your hair with shampoo and apply conditioner.
  8. This process helps to keep all your scalp problems at bay.
This process is also used to treat Smelly Scalp, Scalp Ringworm.

Method – 2: (Tea Tree Oil with Eucalyptus Essential Oil)

  1. Take few drops of tea tree oil and add this to few drops of eucalyptus oil
  2. Warm the oil and apply this to your scalp by massaging it all over the scalp
  3. Or you can use this as a rinse by combining both of these oils in water
  4. Or you can add few drops to your regularly used shampoo and shampoo your hair with this. 

Method – 3: (Tea Tree Oil with Olive Oil)

  1. Take 5 drops of tea tree oil and mix this with at least a tablespoon of warm olive oil
  2. Apply this oil to the scalp and hair and leave it for few hours or for overnight
  3. Repeat this process for once a day for 3 consecutive weeks. 

Method – 4: (Tea Tree Oil with Olive Oil)

  1. Take few drops of tea tree oil and olive oil and mix it well
  2. Rub them and massage the mixture directly into scalp by using your finger tips
  3. But make sure to concentrate on the affected scalp
  4. Cover your hair with shower cap and let it sit for an hour (more, if possible)
  5. Wash your hair with regular shampoo and conditioner 

Tea Tree Oil for Dry Scalp:

Dry scalp can be treated very well with this tea tree oil. You came to know how to use tea tree oil for dry scalp to treat dryness in the scalp and also to get well – moisturized.

Method – 1: (Tea Tree Oil in Shampoo)

  1. Pour 5 – 6 drops of tea tree oil and mix it well in a shampoo or conditioner
  2. Use this solution to rinse your hair and scalp
  3. Or simply you can use tea tree oil containing shampoo or conditioners
  4. Use regularly the products that tea tree oil mixed in shampoos or tea tree oil based shampoos and conditioners for better results. 

Method – 2: (Tea Tree Oil Rinse)

  1. Pour 5 – 10 drops of tea tree oil in water
  2. Mix it well and use this to rinse your hair
  3. Shampoo your hair and wash it with this water
  4. Make sure that the shampoo in your hair is completely washed away. 

Method – 3: (Tea Tree Oil with Jojoba oil)

  1. Take few drops of tea tree oil and add this to any carrier oil like jojoba oil
  2. Mix it well and massage it gently onto your scalp for about 10 – 15 minutes
  3. Let it sit for about few minutes or if possible overnight
  4. Finally wash it off thoroughly and then repeat it regular to get rid of the problem.
  5. Or you can use tea tree oil and massage it on your scalp, it causes some tingling sensation.
  6. Massage it all over the scalp and hair and then leave it for overnight and rinse it off in the morning.
This process is also used to treat Scalp Eczema.

Method – 4: (Diluted Tea Tree Oil Spray)

  1. Take few drops of tea tree oil and add this to 1 cup of water
  2. Mix it well and pour this in an empty spray bottle.
  3. Spritz your scalp throughout the week whenever your scalp feels dry and itchy
  4. Make sure that your hair doesn’t contain heavy oils as it causes buildup and also have a light spray on the scalp
  5. Wash your hair once in two days to get rid of the dry scalp. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Natural Fibromyalgia Remedies

Unfortunately there is no 'quick fix' nor 'one fits all' remedy for Fibromyalgia, but these can make life a little less painful.

Fibromyalgia is widespread muscle pain with no specific cause. Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that includes long-term, body wide pain in the muscles and connective tissues. 

This characteristic pain may be accompanied by fatigue, headaches, and difficulty with sleep, anxiety, and depression.  Females in the age group 20 to 50 are the most likely to suffer from fibromyalgia.
Some potential causes include: allergies to chemicals or foods, viruses, hormonal problems, poor digestion, candidiasis, spinal misalignments, stress, or neurotransmitter deficiency.
The best place to start to improve symptoms is to start eating specific anti-inflammatory foods for fibromyalgia with the fibromyalgia diet.

The Fibromyalgia Diet

The fibromyalgia diet consists of eating mostly fruits, vegetables, sprouted nuts and organic wild meat.  Here are the top foods to heal fibromyalgia.
Green vegetables – These provide essential minerals, such as magnesium, for optimal health and well-being.
Clean lean protein – Helps muscles and tissues maintain energy and proper function.
Fermented foods and cultured dairy – Probiotic foods such as yogurt, kefir or sauerkraut help prevent candidiasis, a root cause of fibromyalgia.
Omega-3 fats – These healthy omega-3 fats reduce inflammation and can reduce pain associated with fibromyalgia.
Antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, E – Fruits, vegetables and herbs are good sources of these potent disease fighters.

You will want to avoid certain foods, such as:

Gluten – Can cause autoimmune issues, is pro-inflammatory and can make fibromyalgia worse.
Any potential food allergen – Try to determine what foods you are allergic to and eliminate those from your diet.  An elimination diet is a very effective way to determine food intolerances.  Common allergens: gluten, shellfish, dairy, and peanuts.
Sugar – Increases pain and inflammation.
Processed foods or foods with additives – These foods contain chemicals that will make your condition worse.
Excess alcohol and caffeine – Can cause mineral deficiencies and dehydration.

Natural Fibromyalgia Treatments

Here are the best supplements and natural remedies for fibromyalgia:
#1 Magnesium (500 mg daily)
Fibromyalgia has been linked to a mineral deficiency. It also helps relax the nerves and muscles.
#2 Fish Oil (1,000mg daily)
The anti-inflammatory properties of fish oil will help reduce pain.
#3 Vitamin D3 (5,000IU daily)
Vitamin D deficiency can exacerbate autoimmune conditions.
#4 D-Ribose (5g 3x daily)Helps alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia by improving cellular energy.
#5 Rhodiola and Ashwagandha (500-1000 mg daily)Adaptogen herbs help improve improve metabolic function and reduce stress.
Lifestyle Remedies:Changing daily habits can improve fibromyalgia symptoms include reducing stress, exercise, and chiropractic care to reduce muscle tension.
Emotional Counseling:
Many people with Fibromyalgia have gone through emotional trauma and counseling can greatly improve recovery.  Also, scheduling relaxing activities can increase healing.

Essential Oils for Fibromyalgia

Helichrysum oil has been shown to decrease muscle pain, improve circulation and support healing of nerve tissue which makes it an effective natural treatment for fibromyalgia.
Lavender oil is also excellent to reduce the emotional stress associated with fibromyalgia and making a homemade muscle rub can help reduce pain.
What are some of your Natural Remedies that you use to help the pain?

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Uncovering the Mysteries of Medicinal Herbs

It’s no mystery, plants have been naturally curing people for millennia. In fact, most of the world’s population still relies on herbal remedies as opposed to stethoscopes and pharmacies. The problem is, as the medical industry has moved society further and further away from natural cures and preventions, the wisdom of how to use what herb to cure which ailment has become largely absent from common knowledge. But, it’s not that hard to unlock these riddles of old. Read on to uncover the mysteries of medicinal herbs.

Click the picture for a detailed list of these herbs

Mystery Number One: Which Herbs are Medicinal?

Number one is tough. The answer is just about all of them. From basil to mint to oregano to sage, nearly every plant has a place on the medical spectrum. And, don’t for a minute just think of those fresh, green leafy things we buy at the supermarket (or the little shakers of dried leaves) because the idea of medicinal plants, let’s say herbs and spices, must and does stretch into leaves, bark, roots, flowers and seeds. So, we should include such famed health boosters like turmeric, garlic and ginger. You name it, you Google it, and it will be good for curing, combating or preventing something.
Some favorites:
  • Ginger: It’s the perfect take along for traveling. Good for upset stomach and motion sickness, both of which are likely to come.
  • Oregano Oil: Perfect to keep around for when you start to feel run down. Put a couple of drops in some orange juice to pep up the immune system.
  • Mint: It can be found just about anywhere, in abundance, for cheap or free, and it helps with indigestion, headaches, stress, depression, coughs, cancer and morning breath.

Mystery Number Two: How Do I Use Medicinal Herbs (and Spices)?

Well, there are many ways to use medicinal plants. Powders, pills, teas, tinctures, balms, oils, salves, ointments and just plain flavor enhancers for cooking — there is more than one way to get your daily dosage. But, the key is to get your daily dosage.
Unlike prescription medicines, herbal remedies work best as a preventative, something that gets added to your system on a daily basis. Also unlike prescription medicines, this regular usage is usually quite safe and with little side effect. Cold season on the way? Start getting some regular oregano. Know those joints are prone to creaking? Get more turmeric in your diet.
Generally speaking, if something internal ails, something will need to be ingested (save aroma therapy type stuff, like the smell of lavender easing stress). Then, if something is external, it’s probably best to start looking for or making some sort of cream or balm. Sometimes, it just takes wrapping something in a leaf for a while.
Some favorites:
  • Chamomile: Insomnia is annoying. The 2 a.m. stir, the tossing and turning. A good tea for sleeping means a lot the next day. Combine chamomile with lemongrass and mint — awesome.
  • Basil: One of the most common of herbs is also effective at providing a little energy, from the fresh smell of it to the rejuvenating flavor. Sprinkle it fresh on food on a lazy day or make a tea.
  • Citronella: That’s right. It’s an herb, and for those who've been around mosquitos and tiki torches, the name has probably popped up a time or two. I like it growing in the garden or hanging up everywhere.

Mystery Number Three: Where Do I Get These Wonderful Things?

The best, perhaps most fun, alternative would be to try growing some in the backyard or on the kitchen windowsill. Many herbs are quite easy to grow. Some — mint, dandelion, clover — actually are notorious for coming on a little strong in the garden. Secondly, learn what remedies might be growing nearby already. Eat the Weeds is an incredible website for getting the lowdown on useful plants found in the cracks of sidewalks or tucked behind the rose bushes.
Secondly, to fill those more immediate needs, the Internet will suffice. This is the age of online shopping, whether that means bidding for collectable dolls on eBay or getting healthy with plant life. There are a plethora of sites that take orders and will deliver herbal remedies in many a form to the front door in a matter of days. Mountain Rose Herbs has a really quality selection.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Health Benefits of Broccoli Sprouts

Broccoli sprouts are a great addition to any salad or sandwich. They can also serve has a healthy side dish. Broccoli sprouts have been shown to combat a variety of health issues including:
  • Hypertension
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Allergies
  • Ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori
  • UV radiation damage to skin (when applied topically)
In addition to all these health benefits, broccoli sprout has been shown to combat exposure to environmental pollutants.
A three-month long study was conducted with 300 Chinese men and women in one of the most polluted areas in China. The test group drank half a cup of a beverage consisting of sterilized water, pineapple, lime juice and freeze-dried broccoli sprout powder. The control group drank the same mixture…minus the broccoli sprouts.
Urine and blood tests revealed that the test group that consumed the broccoli sprout excreted far greater levels of carcinogens than those who did not consume the broccoli sprout.

Broccoli or broccoli sprouts?

If you don't like broccoli, there’s good news. Broccoli sprouts are easily superior to mature broccoli in terms of nutrient density, which means you don't have to eat as much of it to reap many of its health benefits.
Broccoli sprouts have 10 to 100 times the amount of a cancer-fighting compound called glucoraphanin than mature broccoli. It’s a great alternative if you don't like the smell or taste of broccoli!
You've probably seen broccoli sprouts as an ingredient option to your sandwich/wrap, but never really knew what it was. Now you do, so take advantage of it’s health benefits! Broccoli sprout is also pretty easy to grow at home!

Here is a great recipe for a Broccoli Sprout Smoothie! 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Natural Cure To Heartburn

Heartburn is a common disease of the digestive system. It happens, when excess amount of stomach acids are produced, creating pressure on the esophagus. 

This causes excessive pain in the stomach, chest and throat. However, it is an ailment which can be easily cured with the help of many alternative remedies like natural, herbal cures, etc.

Fruits: Some fruits are very effective for reducing the effect of heartburn. They can be consumed both fresh and in their dried form. For example, if you eat a banana at the time of the disorder, it will cool the burning effect by reducing the amount of acid. Papaya and almonds are some other useful fruits, which helps in digestion of food, thereby reducing chances of heartburn. Eat these fruits before eating your food. Coconut water can also be consumed for reducing the production of acids. Lemon sprinkled with salt can also be beneficial. 

Banana helps to cool the burning effect.

Some Useful Herbs: Herbs generally play a vital role for the treatment of this disorder. They are consumed in liquor form, usually boiled in water. Chamomile herb is one of the best remedies for curing heartburn. It contains calcium, which helps to reduce the rate of acid production. It can also repair the layers of stomach and esophagus damaged by the acid. Aloe Vera plant is another important herb, which helps to cool down the burning effect produced by heartburn. Some of the green herbs like basil and mint, etc. help digest the food and also prevent further heartburns. 

Chamomile helps to reduce acid production

Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar can be used in different ways for the ailment. It works best for this disease. You can chew some garlic pieces dipped in apple cider vinegar. You can also mix water and apple cider vinegar and drink the potion. It will give even better results if you add honey to this solution and consume it, ten minutes before taking your foods.

Apple Cider Vinegar helps to reduce heartburn

Some Other Herbal Ingredients: There are many natural remedies, which can be used for the treatment of heartburn. For example, Ginger is one such option, which gives relief from abdominal pain. It can be taken in the raw form or used as a cooking ingredient.Turmeric also gives similar benefits. You can use it for cooking your food. Cinnamon is a special spice, which helps in digestion of food. It also prevents any chances of ulcer formation. 

Diet:   There are certain rules that you should follow in order to check any kind of disorder in your digestive system. You should eat a lot of fresh fruits and green vegetables, which keeps your stomach cool. You should stay away from certain foods- like fruits containing citric acid, chocolates, alcoholic beverages; tomato- based products. You should also avoid foods that produce gas within the stomach like spicy food, vegetables like cabbage, radish, beans, red meat, etc. Make sure that you do not overfill your stomach as it will enlarge and produce an excess amount of acids. You should not also go to bed just after having your meals as it will help  the acid to rise up to the food canal. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

How to get squeaky clean nails

Do you ever take you nail polish off and your nails are totally stained that color? It happens to me when I wear red polish, that pesky stuff just doesn't want to come off! There is a simple way to make your nails look squeaky clean, and it will also make them turn white! 

-Baking soda -Hydrogen peroxide Mix a small amount of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide together into a paste. Get an old toothbrush and scrub the paste into your toenails/fingernails.  After you have scrubbed the paste into your nails, let them soak in it. Soak them for 5-10 minutes. After you have soaked them, make sure to rinse all of the mixture off with some warm water! 

This remedy comes in handy for those of us who constantly paint our nails and whose nails are always stained from all of the color we put on them. It is helpful in the winter months when we paint our nails red for Christmas because red is the color that stains the most! Keep this tip in mind for summer also so you can have clean white toenails when you wear sandals!